Excellence Post #1
Hello Skoolies!
Goose said we should post 2X per day. Today is Day 1 of taking action on his advice.
I desire to create an online community for those who ponder two basic questions to themselves:
  • Why am I tired of just getting by? 
  • Why am I stuck on repeat, same struggles, different day? 
We all have that inner champion; the one who craves excellence, not just surviving. The Excel School course will not be your mama's lecture. We're here to drop knowledge like a fire mixtape, bust down the walls of past failures, and help you rise above the mediocrity holding you back.
Imagine waking up with that "I got this" feeling, crushing goals, and living a life that makes your soul sing. That's excellence, and it's within your reach. Let's get started. This community will be your golden gate bridge pass to a whole new level.
Let's make excellence our anthem!
Dewitt Robinson
Excellence Post #1
The Excel School
A community of people who help each other excel!
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