Big Updates!
I'm almost there and ready to properly advertise this community. The name has changed to "The Weight Loss Blueprint", I've added a workout plan section, with detailed workouts for home & gym. There is a Food section too, displaying some protein source details, meal prep ideas, and a community section where I'll hopefully have some of you guys sending me some of your meal preps, so it'll be a one-stop-shop for all food inspiration!
Check out the new sections and tell me what you think. I'm finally ready to advertise this community properly and get some new faces in here. There will be a membership fee to any NEW members.
Will soon be announcing when the weekly/bi-weekly calls will take place, getting together on a zoom call to discuss everything diet, exercise and lifestyle. Hopefully to serve as a QnA space with healthy discussion.
Ryan Nettleship
Big Updates!
The Weight Loss Blueprint
The Weight Loss Blueprint is the fundamentals of weight loss. No restrictions. No fad diets. Only results, and a community to support. Join Today 💪
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