Ghost & Results Premium
Private group
29 members
$33 /month
From Telegram to Discord to Skool. The Journey to the MOOOOON.
Looking for the first 100 members‼️
Join now for ONLY $33 before price goes up‼️
What's inside Ghost and Results Premium:
💰 Traders Mindset Masterclass (Normally $9,995)
💰 Multiple Weekly Calls w/ Younis
💰 20+ Exclusive Masterclasses
💰 Studying The Purification of The Heart
💰Consistent Habit Builder
💰 Setting Value Driven Goals
💰 Develop High Level Self Awareness
🎁 Bonus: Monthly Exclusive Guest Speaker
🎁 Bonus: Skool Likeminded Community (Priceless)
🎁 Bonus: Personal 1-1 Coaching with myself
🎁5% of each Subscription Fee is taken to Sponsor an Orphan
🚨 Click Join & Become Your Best Version Now! 👉
Ghost & Results Premium
Educating you on the pillars I live by so that you can become your highest version in all areas of life.
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