Introductory business
Hey people, grateful to be here. My name's Austin, I'm 23 from Norfolk in the UK.
I've been trading around 3 years now loving and embracing the journey as best I can.
Currently work a WFM office job which is and has been pretty useful before I go full time.
After going through some big changes in my life the past few months, mainly being the end of a long-term relationship and soon to be moving back in with my parents - I'm looking to reconnect and connect with like-minded and valued individuals on the same journey as myself.
Striving to live in alignment with my highest self and continue growth in the pillars of: Faith, Mind, Body, Trading, and Relationships.
The journey's been lonely at times as you all know but I am doing my best to be outgoing and bold with my experiences to connect with other on the path.
I feel guided by the Most High to have taken the step to join and connect, share, and help where I can.
Looking forward for what's to come🌙
Austin Powell
Introductory business
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