Your Only Real Enemy is YOU
Young kings…
I need you to understand this fully.
Read it over twice if you have to…
Right now, there is a version of you out there who is MILES above you…
Because he does everything he’s supposed to.
And achieves anything that he can set his mind to.
He’s an inspiration and pillar of strength to everyone around him.
And takes care of everyone around him.
This version of you…
Never gives up…
Never bitches or complains…
And acts with speed and certainty with EVERY idea he has ever had…
His spirit can NEVER be broken.
So the universe rewards his efforts everyday.
As long as he keeps fighting, he becomes better than you in every single way.
Ask yourself…
If you had to fight this version of you one day…
Would you be able to win?
Would you even be able to keep up with him?
Or would you instantly fall…?
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Luke Barnatt
Your Only Real Enemy is YOU
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