Devon 2.0
AutoDev utilizes cutting-edge AI agents to automate large portions of the software development process. By conversing with AI agents in natural language, developers can outline high-level requirements, and then the AI autonomously handles tasks like writing code, running tests, and deploying the applications. It's like having an army of highly skilled programmers at your beck and call, ready to transform your vision into reality with unprecedented speed and efficiency. With AutoDev, the possibilities for streamlining development and accelerating innovation seem to be limitless. As AI continues to advance, platforms like this could reshape our fundamental notions of how software gets created. While Cognition Labs' newly launched Devon is a pioneering AI software engineer, AutoDev aims to go even further by providing an integrated development environment powered by multiple AI agents collaboratively taking on the end-to-end software creation process.
To know more about Autodev:
Rushabh K
Devon 2.0
Generative AI
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