Wealthy Investor Rookie CLOSED
Private group
9 members
Welcome to our Wealthy Family!
We want you to know that our team is here for you. So, utilize us, ask us questions, and understand that our community is strong because we retain high performing individuals like yourself within our ecosystem. It's been said that your Net-worth is your Network.......So, get out there and get to know each other because we all bring something very valuable to the table. Grow with us and lets' live the Wealthy Way, together.
If you need to reach us please see our contact information below:
All things affiliates, membership, operations: Susie@wealthyinvestor.com
Success Manager: Shana Ginsburg
Success Manager:Athalia Torres
Wealthy Investor Rookie CLOSED
Wealthy Investor Rookie is now CLOSED. Please transition over to Wealthy University at https://www.skool.com/wealthyu
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