Become a Master Question-Asker...
If you don't have a subscription to an AI premium service, get one.
I use both GPT-4o and Gemini Advanced. Have heard good things about Claude, which is used by one of my favorite new customer engagement tools -- Quin, currently in beta.
When you ask the right questions, AI becomes the ultimate no-drama helper who never wants a day off and doesn't mind if I miss National Administrative Assistant's Day.
But just like computers have always been as smart as the data we put in them, so AI is as smart as its trained and as it's asked.
You have to become a "Master Question-Asker" to get the most out of any AI.
The question in my screenshot below isn't even that smart. But it IS specific. That's an important aspect. Be ultra-specific. You can do a lot of prospecting for investors this way, and I've even pushed back and asked again for contact information, and it's provided it. Investors hate it when you send them something that doesn't fit their "thesis" (rationale or criteria for investing).
The chart shown was sent out on Airchat by . FYI.
EDIT: my wife just sent me this. Check it out!
Howard Freeman
Become a Master Question-Asker...
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