I have done some Tony Robbins... Frank Kern... Grant Cardone... Peter Sage... over the years... all the so called BIG Social Media Gurus... and Marius Price... him too...
And they are good... Brilliant even...
But they DON'T speak specifically to our tribe... the healers... the psychics... the astrologers... for the alternative tribe coaches... the energy coaches...
They don't offer teaching just for us...
Maybe one day a BIG Social Media guy will go for an energy healing and have a kundalini awakening and go... "I must help the alternatives... I must make training just for them... I am being called to do it..."
But nothing like that has happened yet... and to date... they confine their inner explorations to NLP...
So, yes... once again... it is down to our alternative tribe figuring it out for ourselves... helping each other... a few who are further down the path helping to lift up the others and show them the way...
OK, all the Big Online Gurus don't exclude us... often they aim to speak to everyone... and some of what they teach is indeed applicable to us... to everyone...
Our alternative offerings are a little bit different... the challenges we face... the problems we are facing is / are a little bit different... unique in many ways...
And so to use what they offer requires someone to take their training and TWEAK IT... in all the right places... for an alternative market... for the healers... the psychics... the astrologers... for the alternative tribe coaches... the energy coaches...
Remember what Mat (with one T) said on yesterdays call... he bought some training for a lot of money... and it didn't have what he needed for his particular set-up...
That's the danger...
If you try and do it alone...
OK... in the beginning... someone has to... but it's a bit like hacking your way through the rainforest with only a blunt machete and no map to start with... the first one makes the path... and those who follow follow the path they have created...
But with the established mainstream gurus...
You have their training... but you still need to tweak it... because it is not an exact fit... but to do that means you already know HOW... but if you knew the HOW... why would you need the training to begin with...
Yep... a Catch-22 situation...
But for us...
Aaron, Victor and Mat... they have already tweaked it in all the right places... so you don't have to do that... they have made it work for their / OUR tribe... and have made money out of it...
They got their sharp machetes out... and went out into the jungle... but they did have a kind of map to begin with... and they did make it out the other side... they hacked out a path for our tribe...
And Mat (with one T)... is a phenomenally good salesman... he touches your heart and head by showing you... so people want to step in and share what he's got...
To touch upon NLP again... if you want a successful seller... who actually seems to love doing it... to model on... and who works with alternative crowds... can you think of anyone better?
Now... I know money is tight for many people in our tribe right now...
So don't want to make anyone feel guilty if this isn't their time...
Also... whatever madness breaks upon our World in the next 12 months... and the astrologers are predicting some wild, white-water energy tsunamis ahead... I have a strong intuitive hunch the internet is still going to be there throughout it all...
But whether now... or in the future... I do rate these guys... so get a tag on them... keep them on your radar... either now or in the future...
Because when I say they have done it so you don't have to... for our alternative tribe... that's in more ways then one...
Hope that helps / clarifies something for someone...
PS. I forgot... there's also the guys who teach meditation... them too!
Namaste :-)
Brian Parsons
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