Just watching the last training... something to remember... if you don't know it already...
Even during an economic recession... people become millionaires...
Because even though some doors are closed or closing... some new ones open up... even during a recession...
And some people go for it... they walk through those opening doors...
New opportunities are born...
And they claim the riches on offer...
That's why Phineas T Barnum said (and this is what he actually said)... "There is a Customer born every minute."
He had that kind of mindset... he could see the opportunities on offer... even during the dark times... that is why he was able to re-make his fortune over again, even after he lost it during the bad times...
And so it is really a matter of being in the right place at the right time... and having the mind-set to see it and act...
And RIGHT NOW... not only is the super-tanker of the world economy slowing down... but it is also CHANGING DIRECTION... in several different ways... which means the opportunities will be on steroids...
Just something to consider and remember...
And something else too...
It has been found to be true...
When an amazing idea comes across the world horizon, and makes someone very rich... around the World probably 4 or 5 other people had the same idea... but they don't get to be rich... because they didn't pick up the idea and run with it... when they could... and often they live a life of regret... "If only... if only..."
They talked themselves out of claiming that opportunity for themselves for some reason...
The Goddess doesn't state that it must be you... just that someone picks it up and does something with it...
The Universe doesn't care who births an idea and claims the riches... as long as the idea takes root and gets born... and benefits Humanity in some way...
As to who does that... it's down to individual choice and free-will...
But I always think to myself... why send 4 or 5 people with the same karmic path / life-purpose...
Well... I think the Universe sends 5 people with the same path... so that one gets through... because 4 might flunk it...
But with 5 different people in the game... chances are... one will get through...
Whether it is you... that's down to you...
Sometimes, winning isn't about how fast you run... but about bothering to turn up in the first place...
Namaste :-)
Brian Parsons
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