Build it and they will come... a message for me and you?
This is a message I heard softly in my ear. I thought I'd extend it to everyone here as we are all in the process of building something whether it’s ourselves, our futures, our dreams.
In truth it’s all leading to the same thing.
If you have seen Field of Dreams, then you will know what this means. For those who haven't, it is an older movie I saw as a kid.
The message I received from it was follow your heart, trust yourself, and not everyone will share your vision.
But it is your vision for a reason. Even if that reason is not completely clear in this present moment.
Build it and they will come...
I heard the words and I knew.
Stepping into the role of a visionary, way shower or leader requires faith and belief that your efforts will yield the result, even if you don't know all the hows or whys yet.
Commit to your vision. Commit to yourself.
Build it and they will come...
We don't necessarily need to know exactly how it all unfolds, but we need to start… and keep going.
Even when snags, delays or the unexpected occurs. And these will occur because this is the Human experience.
Creating a plan with measurable goals is important as it aids us in forward motion and focus. It also tells the Universe - hey! I'm doing this!
But be open and willing to edit that plan as you go. Go with the flow.
Build it and they will come...
Also, equally important in the creation process is the drive to learn.
Learn what is required to bring your vision into fruition.
Learn the skills. Learn what you’re good at, and not so good at. Learn what you can outsource. Learn your audience. Learn the business backend. And so on and so on. Whatever is relevant for you.
Little by little. One day at a time. It is a process.
And with knowing yourself, acting from your heart space, and having faith and belief in the process, you will get there.
One foot in front of the other, each day, building a little more and more, you WILL achieve those visions, those dreams.
You were meant to.
Build it and they will come.
It is nearly impossible to understand the lives we touch with just our Be-ing. The influence we have.
The ripple we create through our creation and co-creation.
But if you are like me and know that all you have experienced, that all you have healed from, is for a greater purpose. Then build it, and they will come.
With much Love and support to you all,
Christina Plewes
Build it and they will come... a message for me and you?
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