The Key to the Whole Universe, Lies in the Steps That You Were Just too Afraid to Make
"Fear is the only thing holding you back from everything you have ever even thought that you wanted. If you have never been "red pilled" and don't know the concept I urge you to look it up before reading along. Well, let's dive in, shall we?" ~Charles Morey~
Thinking Like Tesla: How Conquering Fear Unlocks the Key to the Universe
Nikola Tesla, one of the most brilliant inventors in history, has become a symbol of innovation and vision. Tesla is often remembered for his inventions—alternating current, radio, and wireless technologies, to name a few. Yet, his true genius lies not just in what he created but in how he thought. Tesla dared to dream beyond the limits of his era, to challenge the status quo, and to take steps others feared. It is in those steps, the ones most of us are afraid to take, that he found the key to the universe.
To think like Tesla means embracing risk, failure, and the unknown—all the things that stop most of us in our tracks. But what if, instead of waiting for a breakthrough, you recognized that the key to success already lies in front of you, hidden in the steps you’re afraid to take?
Tesla’s Journey from Humble Beginnings
Tesla wasn’t born into wealth or privilege. He grew up in what is now Croatia in the mid-1800s, a time when the world was still largely agrarian, and electricity was barely understood. His father was a priest, and his mother, though not formally educated, was an ingenious woman who invented household appliances to help manage their family farm. From an early age, Tesla exhibited an extraordinary imagination and a passion for solving problems.
When he moved to the United States in 1884, Tesla didn’t arrive as a celebrated genius. In fact, one of his first jobs was working for the famous inventor Thomas Edison, who was already well-known for inventing the light bulb. Tesla improved Edison’s electrical generators, making them far more efficient, but when it came time for Edison to pay Tesla the promised $50,000 bonus, Edison brushed it off as a joke. This moment—an intersection of betrayal and opportunity—marked a critical turning point in Tesla’s life.
Most people would have stopped there, defeated by the betrayal of such a powerful figure. But Tesla wasn’t just an inventor—he was a visionary, and more importantly, he was fearless. Instead of playing it safe by staying under Edison’s wing, Tesla chose to leave and pursue his own path. In taking this uncertain step, he laid the groundwork for one of the greatest rivalries in history, what is now known as “The War of the Currents.” Tesla’s alternating current (AC) system would ultimately win over Edison’s direct current (DC) system, becoming the foundation of modern electrical grids worldwide.
"Tesla’s decision to walk away from the security of working under Edison must have been terrifying, but it was obviously necessary. Without it, Tesla might have remained a cog in someone else’s machine. His story reminds us that sometimes, the biggest breakthroughs in our lives come when we are willing to step away from what feels comfortable and safe in order to follow the dreams your destiny has manifested." ~Charles Morey~
The Power of Thought and Visualization: A Secret to Tesla’s Success
One of Tesla’s greatest strengths was his ability to visualize complex machines and systems entirely in his mind. He didn’t rely on blueprints or physical models during the early stages of invention. Instead, Tesla would create fully functional designs mentally before he ever constructed a single part. This was more than just daydreaming—he could mentally test his machines, see how they operated, and identify flaws all without lifting a tool.
A well-documented example of this was his development of the alternating current motor, which he claimed to have perfected in his head. For most inventors, physical models are necessary to figure out where things might go wrong. Tesla, however, worked differently. He would visualize the device, let it run in his mind, and even make adjustments as needed, only moving forward with physical construction once he had solved the major problems internally.
This level of mental acuity is something that modern science is only beginning to understand. Studies have shown that visualization exercises activate the same neural pathways in the brain as physically performing the task. Olympic athletes, for example, are trained to visualize their routines, from how they will jump to how they will land, in order to enhance their performance. The mind doesn’t distinguish between imagining an event and experiencing it—it prepares for both in the same way.
In this regard, Tesla was far ahead of his time. His mental approach to problem-solving was not only efficient, but it also allowed him to test ideas without wasting resources. His method teaches us that sometimes, the first step toward success isn’t physical—it’s mental. Visualizing the life or outcome you desire, imagining the steps you’ll take, and mentally rehearsing those steps can prepare you to move forward with confidence. When faced with fear or uncertainty, one of the most powerful tools you have is your mind’s ability to simulate success.
Overcoming Failure and Setbacks: The Road to Greatness is Paved with Failures
If there’s one thing that separates great minds like Tesla from the rest of us, it’s their ability to see failure as a steppingstone rather than a dead-end. Throughout his life, Tesla encountered more than his share of setbacks. Some of his most ambitious projects, like the Wardenclyffe Tower, never achieved the success he had envisioned. But Tesla never let failure break his spirit or stop him from pursuing even bigger dreams.
The Wardenclyffe Tower, built in the early 1900s, was one of Tesla’s boldest attempts to revolutionize the world. Tesla dreamed of providing wireless electricity to the world, imagining a future where power could be transmitted through the air to homes, factories, and cities, no longer bound by wires. It was a radical idea, and at the time, completely unheard of. Tesla believed it was the key to uniting the world, as energy would be free and accessible to all.
But the project faced immense financial and technological obstacles. J.P. Morgan, one of Tesla’s primary investors, withdrew funding after realizing Tesla’s vision of free energy for everyone wouldn’t provide the financial returns he had hoped for. The tower was never completed, and it was eventually dismantled. This could have been seen as a crushing defeat, but for Tesla, it was just one more lesson in the long journey of discovery.
Failure is a common theme in the lives of great innovators. In fact, Thomas Edison, Tesla’s rival, is famously quoted as saying, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” in reference to his experiments with the light bulb. The truth is, many of history’s greatest breakthroughs came from a process of trial and error. What separates successful people from the rest is their willingness to keep going in the face of failure.
Modern entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors (a company named after Nikola Tesla in homage to his contributions to electrical engineering), often credit failure as a crucial part of their journey. Musk once said, “Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” Whether it’s Tesla, Edison, or Musk, the lesson is clear: failure is not something to be feared. It is a necessary part of the process of innovation.
Thinking Beyond the Present: Tesla’s Vision for the Future
Tesla didn’t just think about solving the problems of his time—he thought about the problems of the future. In the late 1800s, Tesla envisioned a world where wireless energy connected everything and where machines operated independently of human intervention. He even laid the groundwork for technologies we rely on today, like radar, robotics, and even smartphones.
Tesla’s early work on wireless transmission laid the foundation for today’s wireless communications. The radio, Wi-Fi, and even the smartphones in our pockets trace their origins back to Tesla’s early theories of electromagnetic waves and wireless energy transmission. While many of his contemporaries dismissed these ideas as fantasies, Tesla knew that technology would eventually catch up with his vision.
In 2007, more than a century after Tesla’s first wireless experiments, researchers at MIT successfully demonstrated wireless power transfer using a technique called “WiTricity.” While we aren’t yet powering entire cities wirelessly, we are moving closer to Tesla’s dream. Technologies like wireless charging for phones, electric vehicles, and other devices are just the beginning. Tesla’s thinking shows us the importance of not just focusing on the present but looking beyond to the future.
Most of us get caught up in the day-to-day grind, working to solve immediate problems and achieve short-term goals. But what if, like Tesla, we thought further ahead? What if we dared to imagine solutions for problems that haven’t even emerged yet? Tesla’s life reminds us that the real key to progress lies in thinking beyond what exists now and working toward a future others can’t yet see.
How You Can Unlock the Key to the Universe.
Tesla’s life and work offer us a powerful lesson: the key to the universe isn’t a single, magical moment. It’s not hidden behind a door that needs to be unlocked with some grand discovery. Instead, the key is in the small steps we’re afraid to take every day.
Think about the times you’ve hesitated to act—whether it’s starting a new project, taking a risk on a business idea, or pursuing a long-held dream. The fear of failure, the fear of judgment, and the fear of the unknown often hold us back. But those fears are the very things Tesla faced every day. And instead of letting them paralyze him, he pushed through them.
Research shows that fear is one of the biggest factors preventing people from achieving their goals. A study conducted by the University of Scranton found that 92% of people fail to achieve their New Year’s goals, and fear is a major culprit
"It’s not just fear of failure but also fear of success and the changes that come with it." ~Charles Morey~
Tesla’s approach to life teaches us that to unlock the key to the universe, we must embrace the steps we’re most afraid to take. Every step forward—whether it’s thinking outside the box, challenging a long-held belief, or taking a risk that might lead to failure—brings us closer to understanding the world around us and our place in it.
The Key is Already in Your Hands
Nikola Tesla didn’t wait for someone else to hand him the key to the universe. He forged it through his ideas, his failures, and his courage to challenge what others said was impossible. The greatest lesson we can learn from Tesla is that the key to success, to unlocking our potential, is already within us. It’s not about finding some secret—it’s about taking the steps we’ve been too afraid to take.
In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, the people who succeed aren’t those who wait for the perfect opportunity or the safest path. They are the ones who dare to take risks, embrace failure, and think beyond what’s possible. Tesla’s life is a testament to the power of fearless thinking and bold action. And if we take a page from his book, we, too, can unlock the universe one step at a time.
Tesla's investments are paving the way for several groundbreaking inventions that could significantly impact our lives in the future. Here are a few exciting possibilities:
1. Fully Autonomous Vehicles: Tesla is heavily investing in AI and autonomous driving technology. Future cars might be capable of fully autonomous driving, making transportation safer and more efficient.
2. Electric Aircraft and Ships: Elon Musk has hinted at the possibility of electrifying aircraft and ships. As battery technology improves, we could see electric planes and ships becoming a reality, reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
3. Sustainable Energy Solutions: Tesla's Master Plan 3 focuses on creating a sustainable energy economy. This includes large-scale energy storage solutions like the Tesla Powerwall and Powerpack, which can store renewable energy for use during peak demand times.
4. Solar Energy Innovations: Tesla's Solar Roof and other solar energy products aim to make renewable energy more accessible and efficient. Future advancements could lead to more affordable and efficient solar panels for homes and businesses.
5. Heat Pumps for Climate Control: Tesla is also looking into heat pumps for home, business, and industrial climate control. These systems could provide more energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions.
6. Green Hydrogen Production: Another area of interest is the development of green hydrogen for industrial processes. This could provide a clean alternative to traditional fossil fuels in various industries.
"Lastly, but not a quantified, I also would like to add my swarm technology project ideation that has already garnered attention from the Nasa technologists and private space exploration and research community members. It has very promising applications for oceanic and space debris clean up. For cleaning the ocean's here on Earth and above." ~Charles Morey~
Charles Morey
The Key to the Whole Universe, Lies in the Steps That You Were Just too Afraid to Make
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