Curious as to perspectives here:
I was recently at lunch with a man of Catholic faith. I am on a bit of a journey and newer on my walk. One thing I suggested that in my born again experience and baptism into Christ, that my sin died on the cross with Jesus once and for all.
I may sin. Though in the eyes of the Lord I am not longer a "sinner".
He said to me, "you are sinning by saying that".
I know there are a lot of nuances and beliefs even inside of Christian faith.
I am wondering how anyone here may respond to this scenario?
I look to love all, no matter their perspective.
I have also been shared the idea of dual doctrine, where Churches may be still telling people they are "sinners", and in my understanding, that is quite an identity to place upon someone who has been born again, their Adamic sin nature has been removed and they are perfect in the eyes of the Lord under the Gospel of Grace. We still may sin, though we are no longer sinners. What a burden that is to place upon a believer who doesn't understand what it means to have been baptized into Christ, or so it seems.
I would welcome any guidance in how I am articulating this and or perspectives here.
David Rush
Curious as to perspectives here:
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