✝ Bible, Business, Money, and Success 🚀
⬇️ Biblical Business Wisdom Newsletter Discussion Thread:
1️⃣ Reflect on your own journey as an entrepreneur. Have you ever felt torn between the ideas that poverty is piety and the prosperity gospel? How can the Parable of the Talents and Luke 16:10 help you find a balanced perspective?
2️⃣ Consider your approach to stewardship in both your personal and professional life. Are there areas where you can improve your faithfulness in managing even the smallest aspects of your resources? How might this impact your journey toward success?
3️⃣ Think about your business goals and aspirations. How can you align your pursuit of success with a greater purpose that honors God and serves others? What practical steps can you take to ensure your entrepreneurial efforts reflect responsible stewardship and ethical conduct?
Feel free to share your thoughts on the questions that you find relatable and be a part of the discussion.
🗞 Ps - If you haven't read it yet, you can access the newsletter vault in the "Classroom" tab above by clicking "Biblical Business Wisdom Newsletter"
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✝ Bible, Business, Money, and Success 🚀
Free Life Foundation
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