"It's not always about you." - How to win friends and influence people
Resource: How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie
Type: Book
Summary: Classic, and borderline "cliche", but if you cut through the noise and stories, actually makes sense and if implemented will drastically change how you interact with other people. The premise of the book is that its not always about you, especially when you interact with others who you have a relationship with. To get your point across and to communicate the things you want, you must realize that the other person must "hear" and understand what you are saying, which requires you to put yourself in their shoes. You must not be selfish, and realize that to communicate well, you must realize that people are emotional beings with their own goals and ideas.
Actionable insight: Before saying anything, understand the other person's perspective. See where they are coming from, who they are, and their goals. Creating win-win scenarios, and effective communication, relies on how well you understand yourself and others, and how to align your goals to create an outcome that you cant reach independently.
Lambert Balita
"It's not always about you." - How to win friends and influence people
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