馃憠 How do points and levels work?
We're introducing points to foster a livelier community atmosphere 馃コ. After all, nobody enjoys being part of a stagnant, unresponsive community.
Points are earned by getting likes on your posts, comments, and replies. 1 like = 1 point for the author, so please create quality content and also make sure to interact with other community members.
Here's the breakdown of points needed for each level:
  • Level 1: 0 points.
  • Level 2: 5 points
  • Level 3: 20 points and so on...
Also, some "Free YouTube Resources" will only be available for level 2 or higher members.
Additionally, once our AI community surpasses 200+ members, we might transition to a paid model to ensure quality interactions. However, "free" members at level 2 or above will always stay free. So, keep engaging with the community by asking questions, commenting on posts, and liking them!
For more details on how points and levels function, check out this Skool post - https://help.skool.com/article/31-how-do-points-and-levels-work
Sandeep Kaistha
馃憠 How do points and levels work?
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