"Food is the most abused anxiety drug, Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant"
Food🍱 can often serve as a temporary escape from anxiety & in times of stress. But let's remember, it's not a sustainable solution✨
On the flip side, Exercise🚴‍♂️ is a potent yet underutilized tool in combating depression. Its benefits extend far beyond physical health, positively impacting our mood and mental well-being🤗
So Instead of seeking solace in food, let's lace up our shoes and step into the world of exercise. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a heart-pounding workout, movement has the remarkable ability to uplift our mood and strengthen our resilience😇❗❗
Jey FITX Member
"Food is the most abused anxiety drug, Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant"
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