Fitter Confident Club
Private group
283 members
If you're craving support, connection, fun, motivation and direction, join Fitter Confident Club.
It's been created it to get you from stuck and unsure to confident and thriving.
...And all in a fun, quirky, engaging community that specifically wants the best for each other.
You'll find follow-along workouts, challenges, weekly coaching talks and Q&A sessions with Matt and a bubbly, welcoming community that cheers each other on, every step of the way.
Learn new habits, skills and build the mindset of modern GBTQ+ guy who has the quiet confidence to get what he wants.
>> PLUS join by the end of May to go in the draw to win a place on my flagship 6 month fitness and coaching plan, value £1,980!
If you think you're too Gay / Bi / Trans / Queer or weird for regular fitness...
You're probably perfect for Fitter Confident Club!
$1 a month, for life!
June Accountability Challenge kicks off 3rd June - win £££, make friends and REALLY stick to your plan!
Privacy and terms
Fitter Confident Club
Gay men need community & connection more than ever.
FCC is the safest space on the Internet, created to help GBTQ+ men THRIVE on their terms.
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