Hello from Underwater
Hi, I joined the Facilitator club a couple of weeks ago on the advice of . (And what great advice that was!)
My field of expertise is creative thinking. I help people and teams to understand what creativity is, how it works and how to get more of it.
The main take aways from my work are: better collaboration, improved problem solving and much better ideation! (With knock-on effects on culture 😉)
I live in a small town in The Netherlands and am busy building my business and finding my way. I've been in training and facilitation for over 20 years but I'm not specifically trained.
I'm also a keynote speaker dedicated to making the world a better place by activating the inherent creativity of as many people as I can reach!
David Chislett
Hello from Underwater
Facilitator Club
The community for Facilitators, or those interested in becoming a Facilitator, to get together and share insights, resources, and advice!
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