🎉 Welcome to Evolve: AI for Small Business (Start Here)
Hey there! So glad you’ve joined us in this amazing community of small business owners and AI enthusiasts. 🎉
Step 1: Introduce Yourself
We’re all about building connections here, so let’s get to know each other a little better! When you have a moment, pop down to the comments and tell us a bit about yourself.
Here’s a quick template to get you started:
(✄ copy/paste template 👇)
  • Where are you from?
  • What kind of business do you run?
  • How are you looking to use AI in your business?
  • What’s your biggest goal for joining us here?
And hey, don’t just stop at your own intro—take a scroll through and connect with a couple of other folks. We’re all here to support each other, so let’s make those connections happen!
Step 2: Create Your First Post Alright, now that you’re settled in, it’s time to take action!
Jump in and make your first post. Not sure where to start?
Here are a few ideas:
  • Share a win: What’s something awesome that’s happened in your business lately, especially if it involves AI?
  • Share a strategy: Got a tip or trick that’s working wonders for you? We’d love to hear it!
  • Ask for help: What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now? Let’s brainstorm together.
  • Tell a story: Got a funny or interesting tale from your journey as a business owner? Share it!
Step 3: Explore the Classroom and Earn Rewards
Now, this is where the real fun begins! Head over to the Classroom section and dive into the wealth of education we’ve packed in to get you started. Whether you’re looking to master AI tools or find new ways to boost your business, there’s a ton of valuable content waiting for you.
And here’s a little extra motivation—when you participate in the community can earn you points on our Leaderboard. The more you engage, the more points you collect, and those points can unlock even more value, including advanced courses and random, fun, giveaways. So PLEASE, don’t just watch—jump in and start making the most of what we have to offer!
Remember, if you ever have questions or just want to chat, you can always PM me, , or any of our friendly community moderators a message.
We’re so excited to grow, learn and EVOLVE together with you. Let’s make some magic happen! 🌱
1 comment
Bryce Quilico
🎉 Welcome to Evolve: AI for Small Business (Start Here)
Evolve: AI for Small Business
Empowering small business owners of all kinds to leverage AI for enhanced productivity, revenue growth, and sustainable success.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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