Imperfection and a Quick Update
Hey, how are ya, Happy Healthy Humans?
It's been a minute since I posted anything new in this group. I have been writing the transcript for The Everyday Entrepreneur book, which will come out later this year, and I am pumped up!
This is a quick update. The earnout with Attom has been a bit delayed and has also been taking up my time, so I had to take a little break from this, but now it's time to go all in.
We are going to start doing weekly coffee calls to discuss business and entrepreneurship. Many of you have reached out to just talk through the ups and downs of your businesses and I wanna help. This will be 100% free and on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour. I'll share more details via an email and a calendar link in this group.
Lastly, I was reading this morning and this one hit me deep down. The renowned seventh-century Zen master Seng-tsan taught that true freedom is being “without anxiety about imperfection.” This means accepting our human existence and all of life as it is. Imperfection is not our personal problem—it is a natural part of existence.
My entire goal of entrepreneurship and business has changed over the years. I spent many years chasing money and once I made it, I realized all I wanted was freedom. I finally have the freedom and want to keep giving back so please let me know if you wanna have a 1-1 and how I can help.
Love, JG.
Josh Fraser
Imperfection and a Quick Update
Everyday Entrepreneur
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