My Mushroom Story
Running a business alone could be tough…
Everyone needs a team at some point of your life
I learned it a hard way!
2021(That COVID Year!!!)
After Graduating from Agri-University
There were No Internships, No new Jobs, No Research Project
I started learning online skills (Graphics, Digital Marketing) I tried to pitch several businesses for my service
Unfortunately, No one responded
(To be honest, I was not that good at that time😒)
Oct 2021
I planned to start my own Mushroom Business🔥
Why was it the best business for me?
- I had prior experience as I grew them in the University’s lab
- I was passionate about growing micro-organisms and Organic Food
- There was demand of Fresh mushrooms because most of them were imported in canned form
Growing them in the city was impossible due to the lockdown So i planned to start in the village
But growing in the village was a real challenge due to:
-Unhygienic conditions
-Lack of my presence over there
-Transportation and Supply Chain issues
But I had no other option
There was a team of 3-5 kids who helped me in that(and after testing several things we were successful)
I traveled 60 km twice a week to make sure everything stayed smooth The profit margin was great, More than 50%(in the Winter season)
But it was just a seasonal cultivation
It became profitable💲
Not just money, People started noticing me
Got some great referrals
My Network started increasing
Feb 2022
I was invited to a University Conference
I also went to the Farmer’s Market and some local events
It was cool to travel, connect with like-minded people and share my knowledge
March 2022
I lost everything
During my absence, a disease in that mushroom room destroyed the whole crop
My Business depended entirely on me I failed because of -No Sustainability
-No Systems
-No Team
I was completely burnt out and lost hope
Due to all those travelling, there was no savings left to support me That why i decided to Quit and jump in the Digital world
I don’t know i was right or wrong
Any Lesson/Advice you want to give to 22-year-old Ammar?
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Ammar Yasir
My Mushroom Story
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