Lets talk cordyceps cultivation!
For those who have researched cordyceps cultivation you know there are a few different methods. The easiest is in a jar that has rice in it and has been pressure cooked(sterilised). If you are a beginner dont confuse yourself with complicated hydration/nutrition recipes, just use plane rice(white or brown but cheaper the better).
You are going to rinse the rice until the water you are rinsing it with is clear(it is important to get rid of the excess startch) then boil the rice to the point just before it would be ready to eat and make sure there is a enough water to make "dry rice" not sticky rice. Once it has reached this point (easy way to navigate this is if the rice packet says boil for 20min instead boil for 15min±) then strain the hot water of and place & spread out the rice on a towel to cool down.
Once you are able to confortably handle it then olace the rice in your jars. Make the rice even and about 3cm thick. Close the jars(hopefully you have made jars with breathable lids and a silicone innoculation point) and pressure cook at 15psi for 2hrs.
When the pressure cooking is over leave the pressure cooker to depressurize and let the jars cool in the pressure cooker. Once everything has reach a comfortable temp(about 3-4hrs after the pressure cooker has finished) take the jars out and plave them in your sterile glove box/SAB or laminar. Let it cool to room temp. Sterilize the jar, the worling area, your hand and the tools with 70% ipa and then innoculate your jars generously(minimum of half a syringe of LC per jar). Noe you leave it in complete darkness to incubate for a few weeks check on it once a week to see how it is doing and once ALL your jars are fully colonised change the temps to fruiting temps and expose them to light. This change will make them start fruiting and 1month after the first pins form you can harvest.
Any questions or suggestions welcome!
Callum Smith
Lets talk cordyceps cultivation!
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