Leta talk Reishi Cultivation!
Reishi(Gamoderma Lucidum) is a slow growing, very hard, beautiful multicoloured Red mushroom that is often confused for many different similar Ganoderma species.
When growing Reishi you need patience, it will take the samw time as other gourmet mushrooms to colonise a bag but much longer to fruit.
I encourage you to leave bags to colonise in the dark at the right temps and lower humidity(if you are able to control all those parameters). This is because you want to cause fruiting by giving the Reishi(this applies to all mushrooms) all its fruiting conditions when it is ready, this will usually cause much more even and faster pinning, where as if you colonise in the light and at fruiting temos and humidity then you might have difficukty getting your blocks to fruit, getting your blocks to fruit evenly and even contam issues.
Reishi will only form a conk structure in high enough oxygen enviroments and will.follow the light. So if you are growing in bags, let the Reishi top fruit until ut starts trying to grow out the filter patch, then cut the top of the bag off, exposing it to higher humidities and fresh air, now there are strains that do not even form a conk, like Reishi antler but the same protocols are recommended, I have found that because Reishi takes so long, if you have it in high humidity itll form mold on the mycelium and you wont get the result you are looking for.
So with that said rather have you humidity for Reishi set lower than what it would be for most gourmets mushrooms and reduce the aur exchange and let the mushroom grow for a month+ before harvesting, unless there are aigns of molds starting, then harvest imediately and get rid of the mushroom block(add it to compost or to the garden).
Pleaae feel free to ask questions and add suggestions!😁
Callum Smith
Leta talk Reishi Cultivation!
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