Assertiveness in Action: Video 4
The effectiveness of sincere and direct communication when offering help cannot be overstated. Sincerity builds trust, as team members feel valued and supported rather than judged or coerced. Assertive communication eliminates ambiguity and ensures that the offer of help is clear and straightforward. This approach minimises misunderstandings and allows the struggling team member to feel comfortable accepting the assistance offered.
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Moving on, example number four what have we got? We've got offering assistance. So in the scenario, a team member seems to be struggling with a task. Now don't tell me that you've never struggled or seen someone struggle to be getting something done.
The passive-aggressive person, wow, I'm just trying to help. In that context, the colleague offers help but feels rejected or unappreciated, expressing their frustration indirectly. Indirectly, the keyword there.
The abrasive person, I'm offering help here. Take it or leave it. A little bit too direct in that context. So that's when the colleague is blunt in their offer of help, showing frustration at the perceived reluctance to accept assistance. And in the direct response, hey I've got some free time.
How can I help you, what is there you need assistance with? Here, the person is genuine, and they wanna help and assist the person, and they approach the situation with a sincere offer of help. Example number five, responding to concern.
Filimon Filippou
Assertiveness in Action: Video 4
Elevate your Communication with Vocal Variety, Storytelling & Impromptu Speaking. Dare to Walk the Talk & Challenge Yourself to Grow.
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