Start your business with your 401k Tax Free!
Do you know there’s a vehicle to use your 401k to start a business? It’s called a Rollover as Business Start-up, usually referred to as a ROBS account.
I have one entity set up in this structure.
Quick points:
1) Makes sense to have $50,000+ because attorney fees will be about $5-7k
2) must me a C-Corp
3) can’t buy real estate that you or family live in.
4) when you exit/sell, your money “goes back” into the 401k
5) can’t be a RothIRA
6) can’t be with the company that the 401k is with or over a certain age
Have you heard of this investment vehicle?👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Jacy Everett
Start your business with your 401k Tax Free!
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