I drove by a sign yesterday that said "Money isn't everything".
I thought to myself, that's true...but WATER also isn't everything.
But without it you're done for.
So while money isn't EVERYTHING, it's damn near close.
Because when you don't have it, your mind is consumed by nothing more than making it.
Like water, you only obsess over it when it's scarce.
Imagine being parched in a desert; water becomes your sole focus.
However, if you're blessed enough to come from an environment where you can open a tap and get water, it loses its allure.
In fact, I even pay for water, I see tap water as nasty government juice.
It’s the same with money.
Money, like water, is essential for survival.
But when you have enough, its significance fades.
What you truly seek is FREEDOM.
And money is a tool to help you achieve this freedom.
So while money isn't everything, it's damn near close.
Imagine what you could achieve in life if you didn't have to worry about making money.
The impact you could have on your family.
The amount of people you could help.
The causes you could affect and bring change to.
That's literally the aim of ENNEXX University and our Automated Income Program.
We want you all to get to the point where you don't have to worry about money.
You've put in so much work in the front end that your businesses are running with or WITHOUT you.
That's the goal, that's the aim.
That is the vision.