Fear of Trading Failure = Fear of Trading Success
Hey everyone, I wanted to make this post in case someone was going through this in trading
Fear of Failure is Fear of Success.... but why though?馃
Fear of Failure = Fear of Correction 馃珷
Perfection is flawless and is correct in all forms
Failure is flawed and incorrect
When you fail, you make a mistake or an error
But there's a beautiful thing that happens after you make that error
You have the chance to learn from that mistake and get a lesson out of it
Fear of Failure = Fear of Learning 馃摎
If you don't learn, you are complacent and dying!
If you aren't learning, you are growing and getting better... meaning you're getting worst
Fear of Failure = Fear of Growth 馃挭馃徑
If you fear growth, then you fear EVERY SINGLE desire that you have inside of you
In order for you to reach your dreams you HAVE to grow
If you want to reach your goals, you must get better
Fear of Failure = Fear of Getting Better 馃搱
If you aren't getting better as a Trader
If you aren't getting better as an Investor
If you aren't getting better for yourself or your family...
Then you aren't successful... or at least at the level of success that you desire
Fear of Failure = Fear of Success 馃寑
If you're goal is to make an extra $1k to $10k per month from Trading
Embrace those failures along the way to achieving your goal the SAME way you embrace the goal itself
Instead of fearing failure... accept it and embrace it
So that you can accept and embrace success when you win
I hope this was helpful for somebody, I thought it might be helpful馃槑
Ashon Bennett
Fear of Trading Failure = Fear of Trading Success
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