$49,99 for 5 seconds of your time ?
We've come up with an exciting way to supercharge your learning experience within our community.
Instead of just sharing tutorials on how to improve your skills, we're introducing a unique approach to boost your growth with rewards.
As a member of our exclusive community, you'll be the first to receive unique animation challenges directly from me. But that's not all – we're not leaving you to figure it out on your own. We'll provide you with all the assets you need, including sounds, backgrounds, and more.
But these assets are exclusive to our Incubator community members, But don't worry, though; you can still participate even if you're not a paying member.
We're giving you a full week to immerse yourself in the challenge, pushing your boundaries and creativity to the max. Once you've worked your magic, share your results with the community. The best part? The creator of the most outstanding and quickest submission will snag an amazing prize ranging from 🔥$50 to a whopping $1000!🔥
But the generosity doesn't stop there. After the challenge, we'll unveil the tutorial and project files inside our exclusive incubator, ensuring everyone continues to learn and grow together.
Consider every challenge as an opportunity to shine, learn, and win big. because unlike other communities we reward those who are serious. Let's create something extraordinary together! 🚀✨
Skatecloud Project
$49,99 for 5 seconds of your time ?
Editing Incubator
Public group
The incubator functions as a collective brain, providing expertise through exclusive content, while members contribute their insights.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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