Recently reading "The Personal MBA" by Josh Kaufman, and one line hit me hard: "A business is a repeatable process that makes money. Everything else is a hobby."
Here’s what this means to me:
Consistency is Key: A real business isn’t built on occasional wins; it thrives on processes that deliver results time and time again. If your business can’t repeat success, it’s not sustainable.
Profit is Non-Negotiable: Hobbies are fun, but they don't have to be profitable. A business, however, must generate value and revenue to survive and grow. Systems > Hustle:Working hard is important, but what really matters is building systems that can work even when you step away. If your income depends solely on your personal effort, it's time to rethink the model. This quote reminded me to focus less on side projects that don’t bring value and more on refining processes that consistently generate returns.
Anyone else felt the difference between a “hobby” and a “business”? Would love to hear your thoughts! 👇