Niche & Topic for Validation (Create & Automate)
I did my five niche ideas, and I knew right away what I wanted to focus on.
Niche: introverts
Topic: how to build thought leadership as an introvert
I'm trying to move fast and don't want to overthink, but this is certainly something I've done for myself in the last 12 months +
Among possible specific problem/solutions are:
  • how to build a public persona while keeping things private (I actually tackled this a year ago, almost to the day -- and then dropped it to focus on the other business)
  • how to be a thought leader as an introvert in a world that rewards extroverts
  • how to build thought leadership as an introvert without feeling exposed
They're all rough, but would appreciate feedback and some questions to help me nail this.
For a story, I thought about reflecting on how I managed to put myself in the spotlight, helped to build a network of high-value people who trust what I do (for the other business), and how I took care of myself before and after engaging with people -- because introversion is not shyness or anti-people, it's stimulation or energy maangement
Candice Quimpo
Niche & Topic for Validation (Create & Automate)
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