Wing Chun Hub - By Dragon Tao
Private group
64 members
Want FREE Wing Chun Kung Fu lessons that are the highest quality around? Then you've come to the right place!
FLASH DEAL! Win a 30 minute FREE 1-on-1 with Sifu Scott Smith! The next 10 people to join and then engage in the community (i.e. reach level 3 community level, which is easy 😎) will get a free 30 minute Zoom session with Sifu Scott. Train, create a training plan, discuss your Wing Chun training! (*Conditions apply. We have the right to remove you from the deal if we see fit to do so). 8️⃣ spots left!
Welcome to the Wing Chun Hub by Dragon Tao Kung Fu 🐉 All students of Wing Chun (any lineage) are welcome, as well as those that just want to learn more.
Learn Wing Chun with courses such as:
☯️ Boost Your Internal Practice - Stance and Structure
💪 Generating Power With Siu Nim Tao
🤜 Self Defence Bootcamp
Plus many more!
If you do want to take your training to the next level join our expertly crafted online program (with a 7 Day FREE Trial) at
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Wing Chun Hub - By Dragon Tao
Want FREE Wing Chun Kung Fu lessons that are the highest quality around? Then you've come to the right place!
At the Wing Chun Hub quality comes first
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