Scroll Stopping Hooks!
I know I share AUTHORITY hooks with our group on Friday! Authority hooks help position you as a successful and authoritative figure to watch. Once your dream client has had her own "I'M DONE WITH THIS" moment, you are positioned as the no--brainer option that they KNOW can help them, based on your authority content alone.
I'm also going to be sharing some scroll stopping reel hooks, but understand these are DIFFERENT than authority hooks. These are a great way to catch attention, get your viewers to watch, read or join your list, but they don't always bring about empowered buyers. Nonetheless, they are still important! You'll see they spark curiosity, but that also means you'll get some "nosey" views. Hoping the way I break things down, even in the difference of hooks, helps you to understand how authority content is the most needed content for conversion!
Here are some I'm going to be sharing on my own instagram that could hopefully help you:
1. This may be controversial, but…
2. The not so glamorous side of {X} that you might not realize…
3. Why I’ll never mention {X} again…
4. If you keep seeing {X} in your feed, here’s why you should pay attention and realize…
5. Here’s a very different perspective about {X}, but it needs to be said…
6. Tell me you know about {X}
7. 3 Ways to Improve X in Less than 10 Seconds
8. Rumor has it that _______.
9. 3 Things I wish I knew before starting _______.
10. I may get cancelled, but saying this is very important to me…..(then drive to caption)
Randa Carrabba
Scroll Stopping Hooks!
Digital Profit Queens™
Wealth Mindset + Aligned Social Strategy Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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