6d ago (edited) in Wins🥂
Friday Means WINS!!! 30 Day Challenge Feedback!
I’ll make a separate post for our daily engagement, but for now, let’s celebrate WINS!!! I wanna brag on for really starting to show up boldly with this 30 Day Challenge! It kickstarted something incredible for her!!!
What wins do you have!?!? Mindset, business, freedom, confidence, anything really!!! This is where you can BRAG AWAY in yourself to a safe group who GETS IT and will CELEBRATE WITH YOU!
Remember celebrating your small wins along the way helps to refuel so you can keep going! I’ll also be naming a winner of the 30 day challenge for a 1:1 audit with me! I’ll wait until everyone is complete with challenge so you have plenty time to think on how this challenge helped your marketing and messaging efforts for the leads of your business! Thank you ladies for trusting and following along with my guidance - it was fun!
Randa Carrabba
Friday Means WINS!!! 30 Day Challenge Feedback!
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
Leaderboard (30-day)
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