Day 10: 30 Day Challenge!
Happy Wednesday, Ladies!
Before I deliver Day 10 template guidance and example, remember we had our monthly LIVE class yesterday! It has been updated and uploaded within our classroom, just choose the monthly live class option to see August has been added. Also note September LIVE class date is set in our calendar, too!
Remember for the weekend, I am counting those as days of our 30 days. I’m sharing weekend option post guidance on Friday before, so you have in advance so we can all truly have the weekend as either off or catch up time! Based on feedback from y’all, I will be delivering 2 optional posts for the weekend on Friday. Remember this challenge is meant to only help you, so if posting every day is overwhelming to you, stick to the amount that still pushes you in this challenge, without the feeling of burn out. IT IS SO IMPORTANT 💗💗💗
This is the first time I’m hosting a challenge like this, so I’m always open to hear from you in ways I can better serve you. We learn together! Speaking on that topic, would you prefer in the coming weeks that I deliver the entire week’s plan on Monday. I know some days for y’all are more chaotic than others and I thought this could maybe help you better plan your days and choose the more time intensive days that better fit your week ahead. I did not want to deliver all 30 days at once for both the feeling of overwhelm as well as implementing and learning along the way, but I think a week at a time can still create the learning along-the-way environment I’m trying to foster! What do you think?
It is ok to post days after a specific suggestion is shared. I won’t be naming this challenge winner until like 7-10 days after the 30 days, so don’t feel it will hinder if you have to take some extra days to get your groove!
For Day 9 (yesterday’s post) this was the consideration stage for your future buyers.
Now for today (Day 10), we are tackling sharing your exact business methodology that creates happy clients in an authoritative way.
Words on screen (can be either a reel or carousel):
If I wanted to __________(insert your dream clients ambitious desire) in just ________(specific time frame), this is EXACTLY what I’d do. Then in small words (still on screen, but below this main statement), say either 1) WHY they should listen to you (authority role like your experience, success, how many clients you’ve served) or 2) something achieving their ambitious desire WILL NOT require that they might assume or not want to do (spend more money, give up things they love, require more work,etc.)
Caption should then have its first line very short like “OPEN ME” or “HERE FOR BREAKDOWN” or “EXACTLY HOW IT WORKS”, which will require them to open to read more.
Introduce yourself/your business and those that you serve (speak to singular dream client).
Break down the exact methodology or process of what working with you as a paid client looks like and entails.
Hit on their limiting fears, beliefs or doubts by validating that feeling but reminding them, what they want doesn’t have to require ___________. (What they wouldn’t want to do)
You can even wrap up before CTA by saying a little social proof credibility like:
Just take my client Danika for example: and mention a short positive feedback sentence about this client since choosing to do business with you.
Wrap up with CTA word to the next place you’re driving them to. (You can also include CTA word small on the actual screen of reel or carousel to encourage that action even before they read caption).
This type post isn’t mindless. It’s not meant for everyone. Understand it may not be your highest viewed piece of content, but it’s part of building the puzzle for those who are within the 4 buyer phases and on their way to doing business with you.
Email marketing: See below as this extra step is optional, but also encouraged! Repurposing is your friend!
You’re going to take this same caption and turn it into a nurture email. Use caption as the body of your email with link button at bottom driving them to the next place you want them to go (obtain freebie, join a specific segmented list, wait list, learn more about your paid offers, consult call, etc.)
SUBJECT LINE: The process that creates straight magic💫
2nd subject line: Breaking it all down for you inside!
Randa Carrabba
Day 10: 30 Day Challenge!
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
Leaderboard (30-day)
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