What to post online to attract customers
First... you got to post... but why??
  • posting builds an audience.
  • posting builds your creditability
  • posting builds Trust from your future customers
Then what do you post?
You do not need to reinvent the wheel... the platform will show you what is currently working on the platform.
  • What is currently being successful on the platform of your choice?
  • Can you make something similar?
Think of where you customer is in their buying journey...
  • are they in pain?
  • are they curious?
  • do they know why they are in pain?
  • do they know about your product?
  • do they know about the solutions?
IDEAS for you.
Curiosity Posts
Value Posts
Pain/Problem explained Posts
Desires/Goal Posts
Documents/ who your journey posts.
Pick these 5 topics.
make each day a day about one of those topics and then cycle through them so your content is fresh!
Let me know what Questions you have below!
Cody Dean
What to post online to attract customers
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