Reasons I love having a sales funnel for network marketing.
  1. i love having a sales funnel because it is working for me 24/7/365. I love waking up from a nap or in the morning and seeing a few leads pop into my funnel! The funnel will work those leads for me and follow up with them, and I just do a little bit of adjusting every other day or so to make sure it is working.
  2. I can find the bottle necks.
  • a bottle neck is a place that is holding your business back. and with a funnel, you can see exactly where the bottle neck because you have data. you have numbers.
  • for example.... you can give a way a free lead magnet and you should be getting around 30% optin.
  • you can look at how many people are hitting your lead magnet.
  • then look at how many people are putting in their information.
if you don't have anyone hitting your lead magnet. it means you need to get better at pushing the lead magnet.
if you have low conversion on the lead magnet, it means you need to improve the offer.
and you can continue down the funnel from there.
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Cody Dean
Reasons I love having a sales funnel for network marketing.
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