RankXL.com (DR: 55, SEO/marketing niche)
Picked this up on auction last year, was planning on building an SEO tools micro SaaS or lead gen site (still love the idea, just have too many projects).
The domain has a strong backlink profile, with links from HubSpot, Ahrefs, Neil Patel, Backlinko, Niche Pursuits and hundreds more (310 referring domains via Ahrefs).
Great domain for building AI SEO focused tools, as growth/marketing agency website, or, if you like to live dangerously, 301 redirect to your existing agency/site.
Will be listing on Odys soon, but happy to do an escrow deal for the right price (Odys takes 20-30% of the sale). Offers below low five-figures will be ignored.
Alex Dixon
RankXL.com (DR: 55, SEO/marketing niche)
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