Welcome Post!
Hi Everyone!
Welcome to our community focused on losing fat and weight. Whether you're starting or continuing your journey, I hope you learn something while you are here.
Who I Am
I'm not a certified expert—just someone who has faced the ups and downs of weight loss. I’ve tried it all: yo-yo diets, 1500 calories a day while doing rigorous workouts, have lost 27kg from my highest weight of 127kg and put it back on, and then lost it again and put on some muscle.
Yet, for nine years, I’ve struggled with emotional and psychological barriers that held me back and I never really understood why I could not just stay consistent.
It is because I wanted things immediately and I ate to relieve myself of stress. I had (and still sometimes do) incredible negative self-talk and self doubt. I bet many of you do as well.
Why We’re Here
Many of us know what to do to lose weight but struggle with how to do it emotionally. This community is about:
  • Practical Tips: Exchange advice on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes.
  • Supporting Each Other: Share your wins, setbacks, and experiences.
  • Tackling Emotional Barriers: Understand and overcome the emotional challenges of weight loss
  • Celebrating Progress: Every step forward counts!
Get Involved
  • Introduce Yourself: How much do you weigh and what weight do you want to be? Take a 'before' photo of yourself, or share a 'before' photo of yourself you already have.
  • Share what you actually want to learn here
This community is a lesson to my younger self, and others in the same boat.
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Dhrushil Brahmbhatt
Welcome Post!
Emotional Fat Loss
Public group
This community is to help overweight people who know what to do to lose fat and weight but still can't.
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