Weather App
Not completed. I'm just posting my progress here as I go along. Doing this to keep me more on track plus if anyone wants to offer any suggestions, tips, etc let me know.
What's done so far:
  1. Can pull the users current location and load up the city and current temp (in F). Displays it on the page for now.
  2. You can type in a city and it will display that city. Behind the scenes I do API calls. I don't do much with that currently.
  3. Started working on the framework for the site. Nav page will be on the left. Header up top. Current info displayed is below the header.
Current to do's
  1. Update the city list so the user can delete them. More framework stuff.
  2. Update it to store the unsplash API key. I will work on getting images at the end.
  3. Use the information I pull from API requests to display more information.
Bret Miller
Weather App