Ready to Take Action - Simple Strategy to Start + Scanners and Screeners
I'm slowly getting through the WIKI and have come across the section which discusses a simple strategy to start with, and the use of scanners and screeners. So I thought it would be good to actually try and set this up and do some paper trades.
I have created a few new modules in the Trading Strategy Course which breakdown these sections into actionable steps. I used ChatGPT to help me create a step by step plan for using Interactive Brokers and TradingView.
  • There is a section that explains scanners and screeners (along with tool recommendations).
  • There is a section that outlines how to use these tools for Interactive Brokers and TradingView.
  • There is a section on using a simple strategy to start paper trading (provided from the WIKI)
I plan on going through these modules myself and paper trading with these tools and this strategy over the coming weeks / months.
Tyler Stokes
Ready to Take Action - Simple Strategy to Start + Scanners and Screeners
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