Hey guys, I'm excited to be a part of this community! My name is Chandler, I’m originally from Portland Oregon but now I live in Boise Idaho. My background is in software engineering and that’s basically what I’ve done for most of my twenties. My dream has always been to start my own business and originally my dream was to create a tech startup, but over the years I’ve seen how unrealistic it is to start a tech company (especially if you don’t want investors), so my goal has pivoted and now my aim is to start my own successful Ecommerce company. I’m still in the very early stages of learning about selling on Amazon, I’ve found a potential product I could sell but I am still working on validating it and if I pick this product I probably won’t be launching till early spring.
Goals over the next 3 months:
  • Complete 2 Amazon courses
  • Pick and validate a product to launch
Goals over the next 6 months:
  • Form my LLC, along with other basic business needs
  • Launch my very first Amazon brand
  • Create tons of personal business documents and systems to continuously improve
Goals over the next 12 months or end 2025:
  • Have a profitable Amazon business, if even a couple grand a month in net profit 
  • Create a business with enough documentation, processes and learnings that I can repeat this process to expand my portfolio of profitable products as time goes on
Goals over 3 - 5 years:
  • Build a successful Ecommerce company with a team under me
  • Continuously learn and optimize both the business and myself as a business owner
Even though I think Amazon and ecommerce in general is very competitive and saturated, I think there is still lots of room for improvement in a wide variety of niches. My ultimate goal with this business is to build a “machine” that will continually find new product opportunities, develop them and launch them, then as time goes the business could have a wide array of profitable products. Since I am an engineer I am approaching this as another problem that could be engineered and solved.
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Chandler Coates
DailyFBA (Free)
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