Carnivore Diet
I’ve been on the Carnivore diet, which for me consists of meat (mostly beef), salt and water and black coffee for over 5 years now, with the rare occasional exception of eating some broccoli or white rice here and there.
I started this diet out of desperation at the end of 2018 because of my autoimmune condition, and lost 72 lbs and my autoimmune symptoms went away and I’m not on any medications.
The Carnivore diet will help with autoimmune issues because meat, salt and water aren’t inflammatory. The eventual goal is to be on this diet temporarily, and steadily introduce other kind of foods into my diet individually (hence why I sometimes eat broccoli or white rice, and other foods, to see how my body responds).
As it is now, I still have to be on the Carnivore diet, maybe indefinitely, as other foods do still produce an inflammatory response.
For people who are on the Carnivore diet to reduce and hopefully resolve underlying health issues, such as autoimmune disorders, this diet isn’t reached and practiced as a result of philosophical considerations, like how veganism can be a philosophical response to how the food industry treats animals. It’s strictly to abate the health problems with things like joint deterioration for people who have rheumatoid arthritis.
For anyone on this diet, it’s also important to eat some organ meats periodically, as not all of the nutrients that we need are in the muscle meat (which is primarily what I eat with hamburger meat and steaks and roasts and so on).
You can find organ meats, like liver, in supplement form, so that you don’t actually need to cook liver if you don’t want to.
Jake Akins
Carnivore Diet
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