Hello People!
My name is Stevan and I'm far from a sales expert. I am in Cybersecurity & SaaS sales. I have 50+ lifetime sales in my career (so far) and 250+ appointment's set via Cold Calls.
My goal for this group is to help you in your sales/entrepreneurship journey.
That is 100% up to this community. I have ideas to bring people in for Q&A's, breakdowns, and sales tactics talks. I want to start with anyone doing $450,000+/year that I know. Then expanding out of my inner circle (hopefully Hormozi one of these days). But again, that's just an idea. If you have a specific pain point, let me know and I will attempt to add as much value to you as possible.
Stevan Guinto
Hello People!
Tech Sales
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
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