Dealing With IRS Tax Issues? Let Me Help!
I have had a lot of members in the community reach out about tax issues. They’re having which also is causing their financial stress. Whether you’re dealing with letters from the IRS regarding owing additional taxes, you haven’t filed your taxes in several years, you received a collection notice from the IRS, or you are undergoing an audit for your individual income taxes or business, I am here to help you.
I work directly with the IRS on my clients behalf to represent them in their tax issues. We will get your issues solved quickly! I was an auditor for over 15 years. I know how the IRS system works to make sure that we get them what they need so they stop bothering you immediately!
If this is something that you’re dealing with, let’s talk. I am here to support you and getting those debt issues resolved in the most affordable less stressful way possible.
Message me if you need help :)
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Tiffany Vaughn
Dealing With IRS Tax Issues? Let Me Help!
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