Authorized Users
Hey everyone, I just wanted to post something that some of you might find valuable.
If you’ve been using your credit cards to collect points and also have excellent payment history on them, adding Authorized Users to your cards is a fantastic way to help people with little to no credit get a head start in their credit journey.
As an Authorized User, you can "piggy-back" off of somebody else's good credit history, which can add to your total comparable credit limit and credit age on your overall credit report, improving the odds of getting approved when applying for your own cards.
My brother and I founded a Fintech Startup company, to help solve this problem of getting access to premium Authorized User tradelines.
If you’d like to learn more about how Authorized User tradelines work or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me ✌️
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Jason Lee
Authorized Users
Credit Club
A place for individuals who want to become financially literate and understand how to utilise credit correctly to reach Financial Freedom!
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