7/2/24 - Check in
Quote of the day:
"When we turn pro, we will be compelled to make painful choices. There will be people who in the past had been colleagues and associates, even friends, whom we will no longer be able to spend time with if our intention is to grow and to evolve. We will have to choose between the life we want for our future and the life we have left behind."
This is something I struggled with a lot when I was starting. I couldn't let go of my old friendships that were distracting me from what I really wanted to achieve. As I stopped spending as much time with my old friends physically I would play video games with them on discord and still "spend a bunch of time with them". Over time we have just slowly drifted apart and it's for the better for all of us. Our life just didn't align anymore.
to-do list:
  • Uploaded yesterday's Creator Pass call
  • Schedule next YT video / have thumbnail be made
  • Work on Create Once Get Paid FOREVER course
What are the 1-3 things you are getting done today?
1 comment
Bryan Delimata
7/2/24 - Check in
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