What's the #1 thing holding you back from starting?
I want to support each and every one of you in building your brand with video content.
To do so, your vote will show me where I need to focus to support you most!
Even if it's all of these... what is the #1 thing stopping you today? 👇
PS. Don't forget to post your introduction on step #2 pinned at the top of the community #IRewardActionTakers 🙏
I don't have an offer to sell
I don't know how to film content
I am overwhelmed by technology
I am not comfortable on camera
I don't know what to say
I am not sure if short form content will work for me
I don't feel like an expert on anything
Something else... I will drop it in the comments below
8 votes
Tom Camp
What's the #1 thing holding you back from starting?
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