Case Study Corner Rapid Fire Round 1
Hey guys,
Great to see everyone really enjoying the official case study last week. This week we are doing a rapid-fire round with short quizzes! Answer the question below to test your knowledge! Those of you not on level 2 yet, this is your chance to unlock amazing resources that took me hours to put together... all for FREE. Engage, engage, engage and learn!
Question 1:
28-year-old boxer, boxing for 4 years. Threw an overhand right punch, next day felt pain around the front side of his shoulder.
Aggs: Hand to head, pressing, hand behind back, struggles to drive at times
What structures do you think are affected?
Comment below WHY
A) Supraspinatus/ sub acromial bursa
B) Proximal long head biceps tendon
C) AC joint
D) Teres minor
11 votes
Rulan Albarouki
Case Study Corner Rapid Fire Round 1
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