I’ve written 100s pieces of copy for clients and this is what I've learn.
I’ve written 100s pieces of copy for clients.
The most important part?
The headline.
Here’s my 3-point attention-grabbing headline checklist:
Everybody is on their journey, stuck somewhere.
Find out:
• where they are
• what their problem is
• and where they want to be.
Then promise you’ll help them get there.
2. Curiosity
But don’t spill all your juices in the headline, give a teaser.
For this post, I could’ve written:
”Improve your headline with WIIFM, curiosity and specificity. Here’s how:”
You wouldn’t have clicked.
3. Specificity
We see headlines with big promises and curiosity everywhere.
To differentiate from the BS and get read. You need proof.
And the easiest proof is specificity.
  • Lose weight
  • Lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks with protein shakes and daily walks
Big difference.
Gustavo Gutierrez Jr
I’ve written 100s pieces of copy for clients and this is what I've learn.
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